

Cold arms of the
Arctic air,
Reaching out
Over prairie ponds,
Hills and plains,
Leafless trees stand lifeless.
Flightless passion,
Tortuously frozen in time,
Refracting stained skies,
Its wings atrophied,
In vestigial docility;
Passion all-embracing smears the night,
White as ghost,
Chilling the bones…

Solar showers of the desert,
Raging waves
Simmering the sands of time;
Charged particles take flight,
Rushing into the sun,
Consume the life of the living in its path.
Age-old dunes pant dry,
Valley beds swept painfully to the quick,
Streaming past oasis,
Passion rising to a crescendo,
Dramatically halts,
Utter despair,

Red in blue veins,
Pumps steady,
A wonder of creation,
A unique living treasure,
Never too cold,
Never too warm,
Crossing geographic,
Cultural barriers,
Chanting love to every tribe
Tongue and nation;
Purest of passion,
Purest of love
Blood of the Christ

Purification — Ben Hur




Flora Trebi-Ollennu

Flora Trebi-Ollennu is both a nonfiction and fiction writer. She writes for all age groups: children, youth and adults.